Yoga at 'W'holeistic Athletics
Satsang Yoga
Satsang is offered every Friday.
Satsang is the practice of gathering in the company of good people for the performance of devotional activities including sharing of traditional yogic and Vedic knowledge, meditation, pranayama, mantra, and yogasana (poses)
All are welcome. Please inquire for attendance.
Satsang is held from 4:30 to 7:30/8:30
Order of the schedule
4:30 to 5:30 Fire Ceremony honoring Pachamama (Mesa holders) and Japa (Mantra practice)​
All are welcome for fire ceremony even if you are not currently working with a mesa or a japa. The community and support is what elevates the practice and it is always so rewarding for all who attend. ​
For those not wanting to attend fire ceremony you may come at 5:30 for the rest of Satsang​
5:30 to 6:30 Pranayama and Asana
6:30 to 7:30/8:30 Spiritual discussion and close
With the concept of Seva, Satsang Yoga is a donation based gathering with a suggestion of $15.00. No person will be turned away as this is meant for growth, healing, and elevation. So if you can donate, thank you, if it is not available to do so this is okay as well.
Julia (Sri Pratyangira Devi), Sadhaka and Yogini, will be teaching the techniques of Yoga through asana (yoga poses), breath work, mantra, and meditation. Fully aligning the mind, breath, and body all together. One can find true peace in stillness. To take the time to go inward and fully relax into the self is priceless. This class is meant for restoration and a euphoric and blissful state in this ever chaotic life. The class starts with an introspective discussion to heal the psychotropic parts of life. May you only be of service to the highest good and may you spread this amongst all who meet you. The light and the guru is in you. Sharing in dharmic purpose, ignites a transmission that is deeply powerful.
Julia is a 500Hr Registered Yoga Instructor with a Masters in Ayurvedic Medicine the sister science of Yoga. Her spiritual studies began at the age of 17 and one pointed devotion to God and the spread of God consciousness throughout her life has been of highest importance. She is honored to have received initiation and diksha into the Kashmir Kaula Parampara from Sri Subhagananda Nath. She is currently going through her Mesa rites under the guidance of Shaman Angie Fenske.
Bliss is waiting, may you join me in grace.